Emotional Technology

Tapping today is at the forefront of new Emotional Technologies. We are recognizing that we humans and everything around us are made of energy. This living energy has patterns… colors, sounds, and textures… that vibrate as a dynamically evolving creation of our consciousness.

Even a non-musician can tell when a note sounds “wrong.” In the same way, each of us can hear, see, and sense the disharmony inside our own bodies, in our family and friends, and in the world around us.

But what shall we do with that awareness? Can we shift these vibrationally disharmonious energies in ways that are ever more pleasing to us? YES, we can!

It starts with our most intimate relationship—with our own body-mind. As we build awareness of our reactions to ourselves, to others, and to the world, we can use Tapping to take the “stress and strain” out. We can train our body and our mind to feel surprisingly calm and confident, no matter what. In such a state we have access to choices we simply do not have when we’re stressed. We can choose to set and maintain healthy boundaries with others. We can choose what is a YES for us rather than “should” on ourselves. We can choose love rather than fear.

Can Tapping really do all that? Try it. Try it on something that stresses your body. Try it on some small fear that keeps you from doing what your heart calls you to do. Feel into your emotions and notice your thoughts. Do you feel any relief? If so, explore with us. Share with us. Join with us in developing this living art… the Heartistry of Emotional Freedom.




Early Human Healing